Commercial Headshot Photographer
Commercial Headshot Photography encompasses many different types of headshots and the uses for these portraits are mostly for marketing purposes. Commercial headshots are needed by both small and large businesses and if you’re in business, sooner or later you’ll need a headshot. Some people choose to select a candid photo and use that for their headshot, and in certain businesses that’s okay, but if you need to be taken seriously as a professional, you’ll need a professional photo taken of you.
Let’s talk about professional commercial headshots.
Who needs a Professional Commercial Headshot?
For consistency’s sake, most large corporations insist that their upper management has their headshots taken on a regular basis. Pretty much anyone in the company that has a social media profile could use a good headshot and it’s a good idea to project a consistent company “brand” by having all the headshots have a similar look.
Even mom and pop sized companies would benefit from having a quality headshot for social media and other marketing purposes.
What are the potential uses of Commercial Headshots?
Pretty much any marketing materials need headshots of the key executives of the company.
Company website
Social media profiles
Direct mailCompany Newsletter
Email marketing
Business cards
Books / Articles
Press Releases
Company Directory
What should you wear for a Commercial Headshot?
What a person wears for their commercial headshot is a “marketing” decision and should not be taken lightly. If you’re an executive in a conservative business, then your clothing should represent that fact. If you’re in a less formal line of work, then your clothing selection should illustrate that too. It’s common sense really, but when in doubt, err on the more formal side.
The only thing I would recommend as a photographer is that you should not wear any loud patterns or have any visible logos on your clothing. For women, I’d also suggest that you not wear anything sleeveless.
Darker colored clothing tend to make one “slimmer” and you should be aware of the fit of the clothing.

Here’s a good example of a formal studio commercial headshot.
On what background should you have your headshot taken?
The first choice is between a studio headshot and having an “environment” as a background. Some people prefer having a “studio-looking” gray or white background and some prefer to shoot at a location, usually the place of work or maybe a place that represents the subject’s business. For example, many realtors like to shoot their commercial headshots in front of a home that they have recently sold.
Personally, I prefer to shoot people on location. I think it adds to the story of the person being photographed. And it looks nicer too… :o)
How can I find a Commercial Headshot Photographer near me?
Well, if you live in or around Pittsburgh, I’d be happy to talk to you about shooting your headshot. If you live somewhere else, you can start with your favorite search engine and type in “Commercial Headshot Photographer” or maybe just “(your city) headshot photographer“. That will give you a starting point. Browse through the different web pages looking for the type of headshots you think most likely fill your needs. Look for consistency in the photographer’s photos.
Please let me know if you have any questions about Commercial Headshot Photography, from the perspective of the subject of the photo or from the view of the photographer. I’d be glad to help you with any questions you may have or if you are in need of having your headshot taken, I’d be especially happy to schedule you for a shoot. Just let me know …